As practicum 491 is swiftly approaching, one word I have to describe how I am feeling is NERVOUS. I am a little more nervous than excited this time around and I believe it is because its my final practicum. After this (fingers crossed) I will be finished the program and done being a university student (at least until I get my masters). I will finally be able to start my career in education and boy, is that scary. The last two practicums have provided me with the opportunity to learn HOW to teach; whereas with this practicum, I feel the stress is on WHAT to teach. Ten weeks feels like a long time with lots of content to cover. I am excited to put my new skills from previous practicums into my teaching, such as time management and behaviour management. What I hope to accomplish this go around are assessment skills, documentation of student learning and unit planning. Unit planning, year plans and daybooks are so unfamiliar to me. I hope by the end of the practicum I have some positive experiences in each area. I recognize I am out of my comfort zone because everything I am doing is new. I need to remind myself what I am actually in control of and what I can do or accomplish given the knowledge and resources I have access too. Regardless, some affirmations I have come up with for this practicum experience are as follows:
- The best things happen out of your comfort zone
- What you give is enough
- Each experience will make you a better educator

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