The word I chose to represent my feelings going into block 2 of the education program is anticipation. I chose this word because it is exactly how I have been feeling in regard to our upcoming three-week practicum. I will finally be able to put my newfound skills and knowledge to good use! We will be teaching 25% of the day for three weeks straight this block. I can only anticipate everything I will learn and experience and the joyful memories and connections I will make. I anticipate my practicum placement as well. I would prefer starting this practicum in primary years, in case those years end up requiring more energy than I have to give. This way, I can move into intermediate grades for the longer practicums down the road in our program. This will be the perfect opportunity to test out what my limits, strengths, and weaknesses are. I look forward to the feedback I will receive from my coaching teacher and the resources I will gain and add to my ever-growing collection! Over the Christmas break, I got to sub for a few days in my home community of Hazelton, and boy was that eye opening and fun! It gave me some insight to what I can expect when teaching within my own classroom and meeting new students. It is difficult to develop strong relationships with students when you are only with them for one day. That is why I am so excited for this practicum because we will be with the same group for three weeks. I can finally experience what it’s like to begin those relationships with students and earn their trust and respect. I anticipate there will be some bumps along the road throughout this experience, but I plan on being gentle, patient and kind with myself. This will be my very first time teaching during this program and I hope to make it a very positive and memorable experience
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